Rabu, 18 September 2024
Soalan Lazim Hubungi Kami Aduan dan Maklum Balas Peta Laman

tahun 2016

  • ‘How to Read Statute’ 19 Mac 2016

    Akademi Kehakiman telah menganjurkan kursus ‘How to Read Statute’ pada 19 Mac 2016 di Putrajaya. Kursus kali ini merupakan siri kedua yang diadakan di mana siri pertama telah diadakan semasa ‘Induction Programme for Judicial Commissioners (Series 2/2015)’ pada 15 - 22 Desember 2015.

    Seramai 20 orang Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman dari seluruh negara telah menghadiri kursus ini. Ia dilaksanakan dalam bentuk ceramah yang disampaikan oleh YA Datuk Zaharah binti Ibrahim, Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan dan disusuli dengan soal-jawab.

    Bahan-bahan rujukan yang digunakan semasa kursus ini adalah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Arbitration Act 2005 [Act 646], Consular Relations (Vienna Convention) Act 1999 [Act 595], Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967 [Act 388] dan Drug Dependants (Treatment and Rehabilitation) Act 1983 [Act 283].

  • Appeal and Sentencing, 22-23 April 2016

    Akademi Kehakiman telah menganjurkan kursus ‘Appeal and Sentencing’  pada 22 dan 23 April 2016 di Putrajaya. Kursus ini merupakan kursus keempat yang dianjurkan oleh akademi ini pada tahun 2016 selepas penganjuran kursus ‘Judge Craft and Judgment Writing’  pada 19 hingga 21 Januari 2016, ‘How to Read Statute’ pada 19 Mac 2016 dan ‘Case Management in Civil Cases’ pada 26 dan 27 Mac 2016.

    Seramai 16 peserta telah menghadiri kursus ini yang terdiri daripada 11 orang Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dan lima orang Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman. Fasilitator-fasilitator yang mengendalikan kursus ini adalah YAA Tan Sri Md Raus bin Sharif (Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan), YA Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop (Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan) YA Dato’ Wira Aziah binti Ali (Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan) dan YA Tan Sri Idrus bin Harun (Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan).

    Kursus ini telah dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian iaitu pembentangan tugasan individu oleh dua orang hakim yang telah dipilih dan kajian kes. Peserta kursus telah dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan untuk melaksanakan aktiviti kajian kes dalam kursus ini.

    Pembentangan tugasan individu dilakukan oleh YA Dato’ Haji Azman bin Abdullah dan YA Dato’ Sri Mariana binti Haji Yahya berdasarkan permasalahan berikut:

    “It is an established principles that an appellate court should be slow to interfere or disturb with a sentence passed by the court below unless it is manifestly wrong in the sense of being illegal or of being unsuitable to the proved facts and circumstances. And the mere fact that another court might pass a different sentence provides no reason for the appellate court to interfere if the court below applies the correct principles in the assessment of the sentence”.

      (i) Discuss the above, with specific reference to cases, with regard the object of punishment.
    [Oleh: YA Dato’ Haji Azman bin Abdullah]
    Discuss the circumstances, with special reference to   cases, when an appellate court can interfere with finding of facts by the trial court both criminal and civil.
    [Oleh: YA Dato’ Sri Mariana binti Haji Yahya]

    Sesi perbincangan telah diadakan selepas setiap pembentangan oleh kedua-dua hakim tersebut.

    Kajian kes pula dijalankan mengikut kumpulan melalui penelitian rekod rayuan daripada mahkamah rendah kepada mahkamah tinggi. Berdasarkan kepada rekod rayuan yang berbeza di antara kumpulan-kumpulan tersebut, para peserta dikehendaki membuat keputusan dan menyediakan alasan penghakiman dalam sesi pembentangan.

    Kursus yang berlangsung selama satu setengah hari ini telah berjaya dilaksanakan dan menerima penilaian yang sangat baik di kalangan peserta.


  • Appeal and Sentencing, 22nd-23rd April 2016

    Judicial Academy had organized the course of “Appeal and Sentencing” on 22nd and 23rd April 2016 in Putrajaya. This was the fourth course organized by the academy in 2016 subsequent to the courses of “Judge Craft and Judgment Writing” between 19th – 21st January 2016, “How to Read Statute” on 19th March 2016 and the “Case Management in Civil Cases” on 26th and 27th March 2016.

    A total of 16 participants had attended the course including 11 Judges of the High Court and five Judicial Commissioners. The course was facilitated by YAA Tan Sri Md Raus bin Sharif (President of Court of Appeal), YA Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop (Federal Court Judge), YA Dato’ Wira Aziah binti Ali (Federal Court Judge) and YA Tan Sri Idrus bin Harun (Court of Appeal Judge).

    The course was divided into two parts, namely as individual assignment presentation by two selected judges and case study. Participants were divided into four groups to carry out the case studies.

    Presentations of individual assignment were carried out by YA Dato' Haji Azman bin Abdullah and YA Dato' Sri Mariana binti Haji Yahya regarding following issues:

    “It is an established principles that an appellate court should be slow to interfere or disturb with a sentence passed by the court below unless it is manifestly wrong in the sense of being illegal or of being unsuitable to the proved facts and circumstances. And the mere fact that another court might pass a different sentence provides no reason for the appellate court to interfere if the court below applies the correct principles in the assessment of the sentence”.

    (i) Discuss the above, with specific reference to cases, with regard the object of punishment.
    [by: YA Dato’ Haji Azman bin Abdullah]
    Discuss the circumstances, with special reference to   cases, when an appellate court can interfere with finding of facts by the trial court both criminal and civil.
    [by: YA Dato’ Sri Mariana binti Haji Yahya]

    Discussions were held after each presentation by the two judges.

    Each group carried out a case study by examining the record of appeal from lower courts to higher courts. Based on the record of appeal differences between groups, participants were required to make a decision and provide reasons for judgement in their presentation.

    The course that lasted for one and a half days was successfully implemented and received excellent ratings from the participants.

  • Case Management in Civil Cases, 26 - 27 March 2016

    The course entitled 'Case Management in Civil Cases' was organized by the Judicial Academy on 26 - 27 March 2016 in Putrajaya. This is the third course organized by the Judicial Academy in 2016 after 'Judge Craft and Judgment Writing' and 'How to Read Statute' which were held on 19-21 January 2016 and 19 March 2016 respectively.

    A total of 16 participants attended the course comprising three High Court Judges and 13 Judicial Commissioners. The facilitators who conducted this course were the Rt. Hon. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Zulkefli bin Ahmad Makinudin , Chief Judge of the High Court in Malaya, the Hon. Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop, Federal Court Judge and the Hon. Mr. Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Judge of the Court of Appeal.

     Topics of discussion were as follows:

    (i)    Rules of Court 2012, Case Management and Court – Annexed Mediation;

    (ii)    Effective Case Management for Writ / Originating Summons and Interlocutory Applications;

    (iii)    Effective Case Management for Family Cases, Land Reference and Case under Companies Act 1965; and

    (iv)    Effective Case Management for Appeals, Judicial Review and Contencious Probate Proceedings.

    The discussions were firstly carried out in groups, followed by an interactive and open discussion.

    The participants were also divided into groups and were required to carry out case studies. Each group presented their respective findings which was then followed by discussion.

  • Case Management in Civil Cases, 26-27 Mac 2016

    Akademi Kehakiman telah menganjurkan kursus  ’Case Management in Civil Cases’  pada 26-27 Mac 2016 di Putrajaya. Kursus ini merupakan kursus ketiga yang dianjurkan oleh Akademi Kehakiman dalam tahun 2016 selepas kursus ‘Judge Craft and Judgment Writing’  pada 19-21 Januari 2016 dan kursus ‘How to Read Statute’ pada 19 Mac 2016.

    Seramai 16 peserta telah menghadiri kursus ini yang terdiri daripada 3 orang Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dan 13 orang Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman. Fasilitator-fasilitator yang mengendalikan kursus ini adalah YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zulkefli bin Ahmad Makinudin, Hakim Besar Malaya, YA Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop, Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan dan YA Tuan Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan.

     Tajuk-tajuk perbincangan adalah seperti berikut:

    (i)    "Rules of Court 2012, Case Management and Court – Annexed Mediation";

    (ii)    "Effective Case Management for Writ / Originating Summons and Interlocutory Applications";

    (iii)    "Effective Case Management for Family Cases, Land Reference and Case under Companies Act 1965"; dan

    (iv)    "Effective Case Management for Appeals, Judicial Review and Contencious Probate Proceedings".

    Perbincangan telah dijalankan mengikut kumpulan dan disusuli dengan perbincangan secara interaktif dan terbuka.

    Kajian kes telah dijalankan oleh peserta mengikut kumpulan. Setiap kumpulan dikehendaki menyelesaikan masalah yang diberikan dan membentangkan  hasil kajian tersebut dan seterusnya dibincangkan.

  • Criminal Law: Evidence and Procedure 22-23 Oktober 2016

    Akademi Kehakiman telah menganjurkan kursus ‘Criminal Law: Evidence and Procedure’ pada 22-23 Oktober 2016 di Putrajaya. Kursus ini merupakan kursus baharu yang pertama kali dianjurkan oleh Akademi Kehakiman.

     Seramai 15 orang peserta telah menghadiri kursus ini yang terdiri daripada tiga orang Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dan 12 orang Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman. Hakim-hakim kanan selaku fasilitator-fasilitator kursus ini ialah YA Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop dan YA Tan Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Hakim-Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan serta YA Dato’ Tengku Maimun binti Tuan Mat, Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan.

     Kursus ini telah dibahagikan kepada dua sesi. Di sesi pertama, 12 peserta membentang tajuk-tajuk perbincangan sebagaimana ditentukan oleh fasilitator-fasilitator terlebih awal yang berkaitan dengan kes-kes jenayah yang melibatkan peruntukan di dalam Akta Keterangan 1950 (Akta 56), Kanun Tatacara Jenayah (Akta 593) dan Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman 1964 (Akta 91).

     Di sesi kedua pula, peserta telah dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan bengkel. Setiap kumpulan telah diberikan empat tugasan yang sama. Peserta dikehendaki menyediakan hasil tugasan tersebut untuk dibentang dan dibincangkan.

  • Defamation Law, 18 - 19 November 2016

    “Defamation Law” course was held on 18 and 19 November 2016 at Putrajaya. This course is a new course organized by the Judicial Academy in 2016. Facilitators of this course is the Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato' Seri Zulkefli bin Ahmad Makinudin, Chief Judge of Malaya, the Honourable Tan Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Federal Court Judge and the Honourable Datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Judge of the Court of Appeal. A total of 10 High Court Judges and 10 Judicial Commissioners attended this course.

    This course was divided into two sessions. In the first session, 16 of the High Court Judges and Judicial Commissioners have presented the assigned topics as determined by the facilitator. Presentation of each participant is for 10 minutes followed by 15 minutes of discussion. In the second session, participants were divided into 4 workshop groups. Each group was given two tasks. Participants are required to provide the outcome of those tasks to be presented and discussed. 

  • How to Read Statute 19 March 2016

    Judicial Academy has organized a course entitled ‘How to Read Statute' on March 19, 2016 in Putrajaya. The course was conducted in two series where the first course was held during the 'Induction Programme for Judicial Commissioners (Series 2/2015) on 15-22 December 2015.

    A total of 20 Judicial Commissioners from across the country attended the course. It was conducted in the form of lectures delivered by The Hon. Datuk Zaharah binti Ibrahim, a Federal Court judge which was then followed by  Question and Answer Session.

    Reference materials used during the course are the Federal Constitution, the Arbitration Act 2005 [Act 646], Consular Relations (Vienna Convention) Act 1999 [Act 595] , Interpretation Acts 1948 and 1967 [Act 388] and Drug dependents (Treatment and Rehabilitation) Act 1983 [Act 283] .

  • Intellectual Property Law, 3-4 September 2016

    Kursus “Intellectual Property Law” telah diadakan pada 3 dan 4 September 2016 (Sabtu dan Ahad) bertempat di Putrajaya. Kursus yang telah dirasmikan oleh YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zulkefli bin Ahmad Makinudin, Hakim Besar Malaya ini merupakan program keenam yang dianjurkan oleh Akademi Kehakiman dalam tahun 2016.

    Peserta-peserta terdiri daripada:

    (i)Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi – 8 orang; dan
    (ii)Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman – 7 orang.

    Barisan penceramah/fasilitator pula terdiri daripada:

    (i) YA Tan Sri Ramly bin Haji Ali  
      Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan
    Tajuk ceramah: Intellectual Property: Trade Marks, Passing-Off, Patents and Industrial Designs: Practical Approach;
    (ii) YA Tan Sri Azahar bin Mohamed
      Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan
    Tajuk ceramah: Adjudicating Intellectual Property Litigation; dan
    (iii)  YA Tan Sri Zaharah binti Ibrahim
      Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan
    Tajuk ceramah: Overview

    Peserta kursus telah dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan untuk menyelesaikan dua tugasan kajian kes dan seterusnya melakukan pembentangan dalam kursus ini. Tugasan kajian kes tersebut bertujuan untuk memberikan kefahaman yang lebih jelas dan meningkatkan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah para peserta berkaitan kes-kes“Intellectual Property Law” di Malaysia.

    Sesi perbincangan dan soal jawab telah diadakan selepas sesi pembentangan setiap kumpulan.

    Kursus yang berlangsung selama satu setengah hari ini telah dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan menerima penilaian yang sangat positif di kalangan peserta.

  • Intellectual Property Law, 3rd-4th September 2016

    The Course "Intellectual Property Law" was held on 3 and 4 September 2016 (Saturday and Sunday) at Putrajaya. The course that was inaugurated by The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato' Seri Zulkefli bin Ahmad Makinudin, Chief Judge of The High Court of Malaya is the sixth program organized by the Judicial Academy in 2016.

    Participants consist of:

    (i) High Court Judge - 8 participants; and
    (ii) Judicial Commissioner - 7 participants.

    While, the speakers/facilitators are made up of:

    (i) The Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Ramly bin Haji Ali  ip2
      Federal Court Judge
    Title of talk: Intellectual Property: Trade Marks, Passing-Off, Patents and Industrial Designs: Practical Approach;
    (ii) The Honourable Tan Sri Azahar bin Mohamed
      Federal Court Judge
    Title of talk: Adjudicating Intellectual Property Litigation; and
    (iii)  The Honourable Tan Sri Zaharah binti Ibrahim 
      Federal Court Judge
    Title of talk: Overview

    The participants were divided into three groups to solve task of two case studies and afterwards to conduct presentations in this course. The case studies task is intend to provide a better understanding and improve problem-solving skills of the participants regarding on cases of "Intellectual Property Law" in Malaysia.

    Discussion and question and answer session was held after the presentation of each group.

    The course lasts for half a day which has been implemented smoothly and got a very positive evaluation among participants.

  • Journal of the Malaysian JudiciaryLaunching of Journal of the Malaysian Judiciary at Palace of Justice, 22 July 2016

    Launching of Journal of the Malaysian Judiciary at Palace of Justice, 22 July 2016

    The launching of the Journal of the Malaysian Judiciary was held on July 20th, 2016 (Wednesday), 12.30 pm at the Banquet Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. The programme began with a presentation of montage/video about the journey of the journal preparation, followed by welcoming speech by The Honourable Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop, Chairman of the Publications Division of the Academy of Justice. The climax of the programme was reached by the event launching/opening by The Right Honourable Tun Arifin bin Zakaria, Chief Justice.

    The initiative of this journal publishing aims to promote the publication of legal texts produced by the members of Malaysian judiciary as well as to foster the learning and writing culture among them. The articles published in the inaugural issue of the journal were the writings by The Right Honourable Tun Arifin bin Zakaria (Chief Justice), The Right Honourable President of the Court of Appeal, The Right Honourable Chief Judge of Malaya and another two judges and a Justice Commissioner that all are written based on the "The Rule of Law" theme.

    A total of 149 audiences attended the launching event consisting of superior courts judges, The Attorney General, former judges, top management of Chief Registrar's Office of Federal Court, Judicial and Legal Officers, and representative from the Bar Council.

  • Judge Craft and Judgment Writing, 19 - 21 February 2016

     A course entitled “Judge Craft and Judgment Writing”  has been held from 19 - 21 February 2016 in Putrajaya.

    A total of 16 participants comprises of 4 High Court Judges and 12 Judicial Commissioners attended the course. The 3-day course was conducted by five very experienced Facilitators, namely the Rt. Hon Tan Sri Md Raus bin Sharif, President of the Court of Appeal, the Hon. Dato’ Azahar bin Mohamed, Federal Court Judge, the Hon. Datuk Zaharah binti Ibrahim, Federal Court Judge, the Hon. Dato’ Balia Yusof bin Haji Wahi, Court of Appeal Judge and the Hon. Dato’ Wira Aziah binti Ali, Court of Appeal Judge.

    The course was divided into two topics, i.e. Judge Craft and Judgment Writing. The first topics: Judge Craft,  kicked off with a video screening entitled “Judge in Jeans: The Business of Judging”. The video consists of seven scenarios relating to various issues pertaining to judgments, upon which the participants were later prompted to discuss.

    Participants were then divided into three groups, where each group need to discuss and present their findings based on several topics of discussions, as follows:

    In the second topic: Judgment Writing, participants were divided into groups of four, and their discussions revolves around an actual ground of judgment as identified by the facilitators. Each group then presented their findings at the end of the course.

  • Judicial Academy Report 2016

  • Kursus Pengurusan Rekod dan Fail, 5 Disember 2016

    The english content for this page is currently unavailable

    Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman (SPK) telah menganjurkan Kursus Pengurusan Rekod dan Fail pada Isnin 5 Disember 2016 bertempat di Bilik Mesyuarat SPK. Kursus ini diadakan adalah untuk mempertingkatkan lagi kefahaman pegawai tentang garis panduan dan prosedur pengurusan fail seperti penerimaan dan pendaftaran surat, pembukaan fail, penyimpanan, pengedaran dan penutupan fail.

    Bengkel ini melibatkan sesi pembelajaran secara ‘hands on’, pembentangan dan perbincangan dua hala di antara penceramah dan peserta. Penceramah yang terlibat dalam kursus ini adalah Pn. Norsuriaty binti Awang Hassim, Pegawai Arkib dari Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

  • Kursus Pengurusan Rekod dan Fail, 5 Disember 2016

    The english content for this page is currently unavailable

    Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman (SPK) telah menganjurkan Kursus Pengurusan Rekod dan Fail pada Isnin 5 Disember 2016 bertempat di Bilik Mesyuarat SPK. Kursus ini diadakan adalah untuk mempertingkatkan lagi kefahaman pegawai tentang garis panduan dan prosedur pengurusan fail seperti penerimaan dan pendaftaran surat, pembukaan fail, penyimpanan, pengedaran dan penutupan fail.

    Bengkel ini melibatkan sesi pembelajaran secara ‘hands on’, pembentangan dan perbincangan dua hala di antara penceramah dan peserta. Penceramah yang terlibat dalam kursus ini adalah Pn. Norsuriaty binti Awang Hassim, Pegawai Arkib dari Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

  • Laporan Akademi Kehakiman 2016

  • Lectures on Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 28 Mei 2016

    Program “Lectures on Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952” pada 28 Mei 2016 merupakan program kelima yang dianjurkan oleh Akademi Kehakiman dalam tahun 2016 selepas kursus-kursus berikut:

    (i)“Judge Craft and Judgment Writing” on 19-21 Januari 2016;

    (ii)“How to Read Statute” on 19 Mac 2016;

    (iii)“Case Management in Civil Cases” on 26 and 27 Mac 2016; dan

    (iv)“Appeal and Sentencing” on 22 and 23 April 2016.

    Peserta-peserta terdiri daripada:

    (i)Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi - 13 orang; dan
    (ii)Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman - 19 orang.

    Penceramah-penceramah pula terdiri daripada:

    (i) YAA Tan Sri Md Raus bin Sharif
    Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan;
    (ii) YA Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop
    Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan; and
    (iii) YA Dato' Azahar bin Mohamed
    Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan.

    Program ini diadakan dalam bentuk ceramah. Sebanyak tiga 3 ceramah telah dimuatkan dalam program ini. Tajuk dan penceramah mengikut turutan program adalah seperti berikut:

    (i)“Duty of Trial Judge at the End of Case for Prosecution” 
    Oleh: YA Dato’ Azahar bin Mohamed;

    (ii)“Break in the Chain of Evidence and Section 114 (g) of the Evidence Act 1950 [Act 56]” 
    Oleh: YAA Tan Sri Md Raus bin Sharif; and

    (iii)“Duty of Trial Judge at the Conclusion of the Trial” 
    Oleh: YA Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop

    Sesi soal -jawab telah diadakan selepas ketiga-tiga ceramah tersebut disampaikan.

    Kursus yang berlangsung selama setengah hari ini telah dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan mendapat menerima penilaian penilaian yang sangat baik di kalangan peserta.

  • Meeting of The Judicial Appointments Commission at The Kota Bharu Court Complex, Kelantan 4 August 2016

    The Judicial Appointments Commission had held the eighth meeting in 2016 at the Meeting Room in Kota Bharu Courts Complex, Kelantan on August 4, 2016.

    Prior to the meeting, the program initiated with Site Inauguration Ceremony of the New Kota Bharu Courts Complex in Tunjung at 8.45 am. The complex, which received almost RM100 million provision, will be built on 2.68 hectares area and is expected to be completed in April 2020. The Right Honourable Chief Justice, Tun Arifin bin Zakaria had officiated the ceremony.

    The next program continued with Briefing and Meeting of the Judicial Appointments Commission at 11.30 am. The briefing was given by The Honourable Tuan Ahmad bin Bache, Judge of the High Court of Malaya and Mr. Adli bin Abd. Ghalib, State Court Director of Kelantan regarding statistics on disposal of civil and criminal cases in all courts in the state of Kelantan. In overall, The Right Honourable Chief Justice, Tun Arifin bin Zakaria, Chairman of the Commission was satisfied with the Kelantan Courts achievements.

  • Meeting of The Judicial Appointments Commission at The Kota Kinabalu Court Complex, Sabah 22 July 2016

    The Judicial Appointments Commission had held its monthly meeting No. 7 of 2016 at the Meeting Room in Kota Kinabalu Courts Complex, Sabah on July 22, 2016.

    Before the meeting, members of the Commission had been briefed by Mr. Dean Wayne Daly, the Registrar of the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak, Mr. Indra bin Haji Ayub, State Court Director and Mrs. Elsie Primus, Deputy Registrar (Administration), High Court of Kota Kinabalu regarding the improvements made by the Sabah courts in enhancing its service delivery to the public and statistics on disposal of civil and criminal cases in all courts in the state of Sabah. The Right Honourable Chief Justice Tun Arifin bin Zakaria, Chairman of the Commission is satisfied with the achievements of the Sabah courts in disposing all registered cases.

    After the briefing, members of the Commission were brought for a site visit at the new Kota Kinabalu Courts Complex and briefed on the progress of the construction which is expected to be completed in April 2017. 

  • Mesyuarat Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman di Komplek Mahkamah Kota Bharu, Kelantan 4 Ogos 2016

    Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman telah mengadakan mesyuarat bulanan Bilangan 8 Tahun 2016 di Bilik Mesyuarat, Kompleks Mahkamah Kota Bharu, Kelantan pada 4 Ogos 2016.

    Sebelum mesyuarat berlangsung, program telah dimulakan dengan Majlis Perasmian Tapak Kompleks Mahkamah Kota Bharu yang baharu di Tunjung pada pukul 8.45 pagi. Kompleks yang akan dibina di tapak seluas 2.68 hektar itu akan melibatkan peruntukan hampir RM100 juta dan dijangka siap pada April 2020. Majlis tersebut telah dirasmikan oleh YAA Tun Arifin bin Zakaria, Ketua Hakim Negara.

    Program seterusnya bersambung dengan Taklimat dan Mesyuarat Pelantikan Kehakiman pada pukul 11.30 pagi. Taklimat telah diberikan oleh YA Tuan Ahmad bin Bache, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya dan Tuan Adli bin Abd. Ghalib, Pengarah Mahkamah Negeri Kelantan mengenai statistik penyelesaian kes-kes sivil dan jenayah di seluruh mahkamah di negeri Kelantan. Secara keseluruhannya, YAA Tun Arifin bin Zakaria, Ketua Hakim Negara selaku Pengerusi Suruhanjaya berpuas hati dengan pencapaian Mahkamah Negeri Kelantan.



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